
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hedgehog Amigurumi Pattern


Difficulty: Easy

Any 4ply yarn for body color
Eyelash yarn or second color of 4ply yarn for back spikes
Hook size 3.00mm
black safety eyes
black safety nose

Abbreviations used in this pattern:
ch chain
sc single crochet
st stitch
sts stitchs
dec decrease a stitch (*insert hook into next st, yarn over, draw up a loop* twice, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook.)
*repeat directions inside * as many times as indicated
R round
Rs rounds

This pattern is worked in continuous rounds. Do not join rounds; use a stitch marker to mark the end of your rounds.

With body color create a slip ring, join with a sc, and then sc 6 additional sts (6 sc) (Do not tighten ring until you add the nose on round 3)
Rs 1-2 sc in each sc around
R3 inc in each sc around
Place nose in the hole created by the slip ring and pull it tight to close.
R4 sc in each sc around
R5 *inc in next sc, sc in next sc* around
R6 sc in each sc around
R7 *inc in next sc, sc in next 2 sts* around
Now is a good time to place the safety eyes.
Rs 8-17 sc in each sc around
R18 *dec, sc in next 2 sts* around
Stuff the hedgehog as you close up the body.
Rs 19-29 *1 dec, 1 sc in next sc* around
Continue to dec to close, leaving a long strand of yarn to secure the hole and finish off.

Legs: (make 4)
With body color create a slip ring and sc to join the ring, then sc in ring 6 additional times
Rs 1-2 sc in each sc around
Leave a long strand of yarn to sew the legs to body. With a small bit of poly-fill stuff the legs, then sew onto body.

Cut yarn into 1 inch lengths. Next, attach one 1 inch length into each sc of the back of the hedgehog the same way you would attach fringe to a blanket or scarf. Continue until you have covered the desired area.


  1. OH MY GOSH!!! I'm beyond excited for this! My brother had a pet hedgehog he was very attached to die last year. I've been wanting to make him one ever since but have never gotten around to designing a pattern I've liked. This little guy will be perfect! Thanks so much!

  2. That is so cute! I love how you did his hair! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

  3. how long did it take you to make? and will it make a difference if it's a 4.25 mm hook?

  4. hi knotty i think your crochet is adorable! i was wondering if you can visit my blog and be a follower at Mels crochet. just type it on google and dont confuse it for mels crochetd creations! its just Mels crochet.


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